efa system alarm show

Displays the list of alarm history.


efa system alarm show [ --unacked | --acked | --cleared | --closed | --name alarm-name | --id alarm-id | --type alarm-category | --resource resource-path | --instance run-time-instance-id | --detail ]


Specifies the unacknowledged alarms.
Specifies the acknowledged alarms.
Specifies the cleared alarms.
Specifies the closed alarms.
--name alarm-name
Specifies the name of the alarm. Example: --name CertificateExpiration
--id alarm-id
Specifies the alarm inventory id. Example: --id 32000.
--type alarm-category
Specifies the alarm type. Example: --type security.
--resource resource-path
Specifies the health resource path string. Example: --resource /App/System/Security/Certificate
--instance run-time-instance-id
Specifies the run-time generated ID for the alarm. Example: --instance 3.
Displays the detailed system alarm information.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only to users with the admin role.

If parameters are not provided, this command lists unclosed alarms.

Perform the alarms order on server-side to have consistent ordering on both REST and CLI.


The following example displays alarms that are currently open.

#  efa system alarm show --detail 

| Instance |            Name             |  ID   |    Type    |                                   Resource                                    | Severity | Is Cleared |                           Message                            |              Time Created               |               Last Raised               |              Last Changed               | 
|    2     | DeviceCertificateExpiration | 32001 |  Security  | /App/System/Security/Certificate?device_ip= | Critical |   false    |   The HTTPS Server Certificate on device "" has   | 2022-08-18 09:46:49.954727778 -0700 PDT | 2022-08-18 09:46:49.954728325 -0700 PDT | 2022-08-18 09:46:49.954728607 -0700 PDT | 
|          |                             |       |            |                                                                               |          |            |     expired on "2022-08-18 09:46:49.954548665 -0700 PDT"     |                                         |                                         |                                         | 
|    4     |     StorageUtilization      | 32040 | Processing |            /App/System/Storage?node_ip=             |  Major   |    true    |    The Node IP "" mount point "/" is at a safe     | 2022-11-11 09:46:49.954728804 -0800 PST | 2022-12-12 09:46:49.954729031 -0800 PST | 2022-12-12 09:46:49.954729303 -0800 PST | 
|          |                             |       |            |                                                                               |          |            |        storage utilization of 55% with 4.371 GB free.        |                                         |                                         |                                         | 
|    3     |     LoginAuthentication     | 32010 |  Security  |                                                                               | Warning  |   false    |           Authentication failed for user "extreme"           | 2022-12-16 09:46:49.954729461 -0800 PST | 2022-12-16 09:46:49.954729617 -0800 PST | 2022-12-16 09:46:49.954729774 -0800 PST | 
|    1     |    CertificateExpiration    | 32000 |  Security  |             /App/System/Security/Certificate?type=app_server_cert             | Warning  |   false    |  The App Server Certificate on the application will expire   | 2022-10-08 09:46:49.954740405 -0700 PDT | 2022-10-08 09:46:49.954740671 -0700 PDT | 2022-10-08 09:46:49.954740891 -0700 PDT | 
|          |                             |       |            |                                                                               |          |            |       soon on "2023-01-08 09:46:49.95472993 -0800 PST"       |                                         |                                         |                                         | 

The following example displays alarms that are currently open and unacknowledged.

# efa system alarm show --unacked --detail

The following example displays alarms that are currently open and acknowledged.

# efa system alarm show --acked --detail

The following example displays alarms that are currently open and cleared by the system.

# efa system alarm show --cleared --detail

The following example displays alarms that are closed by the user.

# efa system alarm show --closed --detail

The following example displays one or more instances of the alarm by the given inventory name even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --name CertificateExpiration --detail

The following example displays one or more instances of the alarm by the given inventory id even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --id 32000 --detail

The following example displays one or more instances of the alarm by the given inventory type even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --type security --detail

The following example displays one or more instances of the alarm by the resource path (as referenced in the alarm inventory) even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --resource “/App/System/Security/Certificate” --detail

The following example displays the instance of the alarm by the resource path with query parameters even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --resource “/App/System/Security/Certificate?type=app_server_cert” --detail

The following example displays instance of the alarm by the run-time generated id even if the alarm is closed.

# efa system alarm show --instance 1 --detail